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Answered Prayer 


When GOD has answered your prayer let us know

so we can glorify and praise his name together for what he has done

we will try to put it here when you submit

We praise GOD and give him the glory for what he has done


 Answered Prayer 9-18-24

1. Brother Jerry’s Heath improved

2. Sister Judy’s surgery went well.

3. Pastor Simon Team leading many to Christ

4. God’ Presence in our services

5. Brother Jerry  problem fixed in hospital

6. Brother Darrell Bashan request answered

7. Ronnie Parker was moved to a closer Care home

8. Brian Carroll is off of machine and is doing better

9. Preacher had a need fulfilled

10. Michelle spot not cancer

11. God working in Dale’s family

12. Pet found that was missing

13. Preacher & family is doing much better

14. Brayden recovered from Coved

15. Bro.Jerry has went back to work

16. Preacher is back in the Pulpit

17. Tammy F. is doing good health

18. Judy P. is doing very good also

19. Loved One at Home with the Lord

20. Dales grandchild was saved

21. Fanny went back to work

22. Preacher’s grand children got degree’s

23. Child is found

24. Brad G. is free of Covid

25. Michelle’s levels are good

26. Justin’s answered prayer

27. Vicky Robinson doing better

28. Sister Pat’s test went well

29. Miracles Room mate left

30. Pat’s surgery a success

31. Brad got his MRI

32. Betty’s Eye surgery went good

33. Mike Anderson is back home

34. Mike Jones answer was clear

35. Matthew’s Bus ride

36. Pat Cowards (low risk)

37. Betty Fulton doing good

38. Brad’s MRI turns out great

39. Carter Family –(answered family matter)

40. Esther Hall (no cancer)

41. Oren has no cancer

42. Guy caught that killed the family of girls

43. Angela Hammack no cancer

44. Pat’s test was good

45. Fowler’s test was good

46. Brad Gaulden test good

47. Mary Milner at home

48. Woman out of Brothers home


49.. Mike A. Has a caretaker

50. Mary Ann  (cancer gone)

51. Wayne Hall made it to treatment

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